All About Hair
How to Dial in your Focus on your Stride and not your Hair with Some of the Best Hair Ties for Running What does running mean to you? To use it means freedom. A way to move your body on...
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Discover Hairstrong’s game changing adjustable bands that keep your curls undamaged when up in an updo. There are a lot of unique challenges that come with having curly hair - the frizz, the breakage - you know the drill. On...
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Back to FAQs The reason we want you to measure your ponytail is to determine your hair thickness in an objective way. This helps us figure out which Strongband can provide the perfect fit for you and your goals. Steps...
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Figuring Out Your Hair Thickness Ever wondered how thick your hair is? This blog post educates you on which hair thickness you have and which Strongband you should choose for the optimal fit. Your hair thickness, density, and type is...
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Figuring out your hair density. Ever wondered how dense your hair is? In this blog post, we’ll be talking about your hair density. We want to address that hair density and hair thickness are not the same thing. Hair density is...
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