How To Stay Focused With Hairstrong Adjustable Hair Tie Scrunchies

If you have long hair, curly hair or thick hair as an athlete you know just how distracting a faulty hair tie can be and the importance of sports hair bands and a durable hair tie that won’t snap mid way of your practice, game, or workout. Constantly adjusting and readjusting your hair during a workout or game time can be frustrating and take you away from the task at hand. With Hairstrongs adjustable scrunchie hair ties you can tighten or loosen it as you please and it won’t stretch out on you. Strongband scrunchies will be your new favourite go-to hair tie, and here's why:
Canadian-Made Adjustable Hair Ties
Hairstrong was the first Canadian company to release an adjustable tightness scrunchie. Hairstrong founder Nicole decided that the one-size-fits-all-hairband method needed to change. After lots of research and testing with Olympic athletes, Hairstrong created its three signature styles, the Nano Tough for thin/fine hair, the Original Strongband for medium density hair, and the Extra Tough Strongband for dense, curly and thicker hair.
Women needed something that could handle their hair no matter the thickness or length. They needed a hair tie that they could rely on to hold their hair sturdy and in place during workouts, exercise and life.
Protect your hair without sacrificing performance!
The Strongband adjustable hair ties are scrunchies made for high-impact women. They can withstand whatever you throw at them. Burpees? No problem! Marathon?
No problem! No matter what activity you participate in, we guarantee you our strongband scrunchie will be the perfect companion. We have multiple choices of Strongband for every woman, man and every hair type, plus so many fun gorgeous colours.
But wait! Not only are our hair ties adjustable, they are also scrunchies! Which means they are covered with a layer of fabric that helps protect hairs. A traditional hair tie is causing damage to your hair every time you wear it.
That dent that shows up in our hair after wearing a ponytail is the point of most damage and breakage caused by the hair elastic. This is because the elastic cuts directly into the hair shaft as it is usually too tight and it’s not a good companion for healthy hairs. The worst part is that these elastics are causing damage right at the roots which can cause hair loss. Those wispies and baby hairs could be caused directly by your hair ties.
With Strongband scrunchies you are protecting your hair from damage, allowing it to grow long and luscious. The best thing is that you aren’t even sacrificing performance for the health of your hair, you are gaining support! Stop ripping and fraying your hair and hair follicles. These scrunchies are kind of a no-brainer!
Nano Tough Strongband
For thin hair or fine hair, we have the Nano Tough Strongband. If you have thin hair then you know how delicate it can be. We made the Nano Tough for delicate hair that tends to break under too much tension.
The Nano Tough is mini but mighty. This can also be a great option for women with thick hair or curly hair who like to wear their hair half-up, half-down, or to use at the ends of braids.
Extra Tough Strongband
For girls with thick hair, curly hair and unruly hair we’ve got the Extra Tough Strongband scrunchie. For athletic women with a lot of hair with long hairstyles, it can be hard to find a hair tie that holds all of their hair in place throughout a workout or sports event.
Many women end up wrapping multiple elastics around their hair for strength and hold, which is not so cute, and also extremely damaging. No more! With the Extra Tough adjustable scrunchie, you can control the support and tension, and get back to living without worrying about your natural hair.
Original Strongband
Our Original Strongband scrunchie is made for all of those women in between thin and thick, and for women with long, fine hair. The adjustable tension on the scrunchie leaves the hold strength up to you. Create a looser fit to help avoid headaches, or make it tighter if you don’t want your hair moving at all, all day long. It’s truly the scrunchie you wish you had all your life!
If you’re unsure what Strongband is the right size for you check out "What Size Should I Get" and take our 60-second quiz.
All of our Strongband scrunchies come in our original signature colours black, grey, white, red, purple, and sand. We also have some limited edition collections for those who love to add colour to their wardrobes and their hair accessories.
There is truly a colour for everyone.
Adjustable Hair Ties: Now Trending!
The adjustable factor for hair ties is now trending and becoming increasingly popular with the likes of Lululemon doing something similar with their Lululemon adjustable hair ties. We love to see Hairstrong and the Strongband adjustable scrunchies becoming an example for other brands here in Canada. Women deserve to have products available to them that are high quality and get the job done right, without the damage and without the headaches.
Adjustable hair ties give women the strength and confidence they need to complete anything and get back to living without worrying. The days of re-doing your ponytail every 5 minutes during a workout are done. No more ripping, fraying and damaging your hair either. No more sacrificing our hair, and no more sacrificing our performance.
Join The Hairstrong Community!
Hairstrong is the best adjustable scrunchie Canada has to offer. They keep your hair in place all day without damaging it.
We are proud to have a community of Hairstrong women who,
- Choose to take control of their life.
- Choose to meet challenges with confidence.
- Choose to love themselves for who they are.
- Get sh*t done without worrying about their hair
If that sounds like you or a woman in your life, then it’s time you explore our collection of adjustable hair scrunchies and ditch the old elastic hair band.